Read Complete Details About Before Buying (Reviews 2023)


Do you want to shop from Are you considering placing order? Wondering if the store is genuine? Read this review to know everything about the Shop Colgate online store. Is This A Legit Website?

Shop Traxnyc otherwise known as is .an online store that sells Jewelries products like Bracelet, Necklace, Ring, etc. We did research and found out some things about the online store. Below are the things you should know.

5 Things You Should Know About Shop Traxnyc Online Store:

Customers Complaints:

There are both negative and positive reviews about this store online. Reviews were left on Trustpilot. Below are reviews by a customers-

I ordered a Gucci Men’s diamond watch, received a text from a Paolo whom Ive never heard of prior , my sales rep is Amy, Paolo offered a different model watch with $150 off. Amy was clueless about situation, saying the item I ordered is available . I then attempted to cancel, both Paolo and Amy refused, Amy alternated back and forth saying she can’t cancel, also saying cancelation would result in a store credit ..Paolo offered to discount the watch, place diamonds on entire piece..I took how offer to cover item in diamonds because I wanted to use credit from a prior layaway order which was cancelled. . Paolo then shifted his story yet again saying he couldn’t cover item in diamonds ..I then attempted to reach owner, Max, was told he is not available , does not take calls , which is convenient .. I was then put in touch with Liam whom is supposedly another manager, aside from Paolo…I believe Liam is actually Paolo using a different name and number..I was assured the i
sides of band would have diamonds as well, however, to date , I have still not received item . I Placed the order on March 23..

By Robert Taylor

All was very smooth!
Ordered a ring from TraxNYC and two weeks later it arrived after being sized for me. This is my 1st piece of jewelry I have ever purchased for myself.
TraxNYC did a fantastic job, gave me a great price amd treated me very good.
Now I need to match it with a gold cuban chain!

By Peter

Customer Support:

There are various means of contact provided on Traxnyc website just like Customer Service service@traxnyc.com212-391-3832, Personal Jewelerssale@traxnyc.com212-690-TRAX, Custom, Maksud Agadjani,, Verificationverify@traxnyc.com646-339-3738 and

Business Address:

The physical business address provided on Traxnyc com official website as Store64 W 47th street New York, NY, 10036 appears to belong to the store. How then can customers locate the store in case of refund/return of goods?

Lacks Security:

There is no trust seal from Norton, McAfee etc. As a result of this, Customers financial and personal details are not secured and are vulnerable to online hackers. Beware!

Social Media Presence:

Not all the social media icons provided by the store on its official Traxnyc online store leads to its official social media page. Could it be that the people behind this store are hiding their identity?


From our findings,, just like favorgk, Forever flowering, Nikaruostore, Coopers optique appears to be a trustworthy online stores. But we cannot vouch for its authenticity. Hence, customers are advise to tread with caution.

According to FTC, fraudulent online stores is one of the most reported fraud categories in 2022. Reports online show that more than one thousand persons fall prey to this kind of scam monthly. This is as a result of unchecked advertising on social media, cheap prices, and unsecured payment systems.

If you’ve fallen prey to this kind of scam, kindly contact your bank for a chargeback.

Meanwhile, have you shopped from this online store? Was your experience pleasant or sour? Please let us know in the comment section.

Read Complete Details About Before Buying (Reviews 2023)

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