There have been so many scam crypto websites trending online. Wizarbit is one of these websites that rip investors off their money after investment have been made. The website is located at It is one of the trending scam USDT or Cryptocurrency trading platform. Online users are advised not to visit the website let alone create account. How The Website works
The Wizarbit scam website that is located at is a fake Cryptocurrency websites that is used by online scammers to trick online users by tricking online users to create an account and invest. Unfortunately, After investment have been made on, Users are unable to withdraw their money. The cyber criminals promises high return on investment but it’s only a fantasy to lure their victims into investing their money. Beware! Do not be deceived. There negative reviews online by customers and they uses TikTok to promote crypto giveaway.
The content on the website has been used by several scam cryptocurrency website!! The content on the website has been used by several scam cryptocurrency website!!
If the return on investment looks too good to be true, it is definitely not true. Remember the popular saying that if looks too good then it is not true.
Other Things To Know About Wizarbit Website:
- It’s a pig butchering scam
- It’s a newly registered website and should not be trusted
- The content on the website is used by other scam crypto website
How To Check Fake Crypto Website Website:
- Check Domain Registration Details
- Customers Reviews
- Check The Withdrawal Pattern
- Return On Investment
From our research, It is is obvious that is not a genuine investment website. Read, and many other scam websites we have reviewed. Online users are advised not to visit or invest on the website. Have you invested on this website or similar website? Do well to share your experience with us on the comment section.
Buenas Noches, estoy en contacto con una tal Sta. Sara Lopez perteneciente a la empresa
Aparentemente el gancho para invertir es el obsequio de un bono de 200€. pero antes debería depositara en mi cuenta los 200€ para activarla. Una vez activada me devolverían los 200€ a mi cuenta y trabajarían con el dinero del bono (de regalo) que ellos me obsequian.
Dado que mi origen es argentino (nacionalizado español) surgió una gran hepatización debido que ella manifesto se venezolana, como digo yo “somos primos. Mi sospecha comienza cuando le pido el WhatsApp’s personal que obviamente me lo nego. Gracias que contacto con ustedes y me confirman mis sospechas. Espero que este mensaje sirva como ejemplo para los ingenuos como es mi caso. Estas chicas tienen la particularidad de encariñarse rápidamente con su voz melosa y palabras cariñosas, Espero que mi relato sirva de ayuda. Gracias a Ustedes por estar pendientes de incautos como es mi caso.