Hausad Reviews 2022: Is This Store Legit Or 100% Scam?

Do you want to shop from Are you considering placing order? Wondering if the store is genuine? Read this review to know everything about the online store.

Hausad Website Is This Website Legit?

The Hausad online store other wise known as is an online store under FADEL-BEATTY LIMITED. That sells, Sweaters, Coats, etc. at suspicious discount prices. Unfortunately, We research and found out some drawbacks about the store. Below are the red flags attached to the store-

6 Reasons Why Fjaoutlets Is Not A Genuine Website:

Poor Customer Support:

The only means of contact provided by Hausad com as “” The address is fake and mails sent to the address are not replied. How then can customers contact the store after placing order? This is suspicious!

Fake Business Address:

The physical business address on the Contact Us page of Hausad online store website as “SUITE 10542, BALMORAL INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, ABBEYLANDS,NAVAN MEATH, C15 DD72, IRELAND“Has been used by many other fraudulent online stores and the address has 1.0 star rating on Google map. This does not look good. How then can customers locate the store in case of refund/return of goods?

Lacks Security:

There is no trust seal from Norton, McAfee etc. As a result of this, Customers financial and personal details are not secured and are vulnerable to online hackers. Beware!

Discount Offer:

Hausad offers 88% discount which looks too good to be true. Remember the popular saying that if it looks too good to be true, It is definitely not true. Offering of low price and high discount is a bait used by online scammers to lure buyers. Don’t be deceived!

No Social Media Presence:

It is obvious that the people behind the Hausad online store are afraid of being exposed on social media plat forms? There is no social media icon provided on the website. We searched and could not find any social media page belong to the store.

Website Age:

According to WHOIS (a domain checker), Hausad com was recently registered on the 13 September 2022 and as result has not passed the test of time. Newly registered websites can’t be vouched for as there is no previous history. Also, Newly created websites are commonly used by online scammers to defraud online users. Beware! Don’t fall victim.

Other Reasons Why You Not Should Shop From This Store Are As Follows:

Trust Score:

Hausad online store has a very poor trust score. This red flag should not be over looked and buyers are advised to take caution and avoid getting scammed.


It is quiet observe that this store are displaying stolen.

Should You Buy From This Store?

No! After placing order, There is high tendency of not receiving any product and or you will receive a low quality goods.

Things To Check Out To Know If An Online Store Is Legitimate:

  • Customers Reviews
  • Domain Registration Details
  • Security Of Website
  • Social Media Presence
  • Discount Offer
  • Business Address/contact


From our findings,, just like other online stores we have reviewed are not trustworthy online stores. As a result of this, We cannot vouch for its authenticity. Hence, customers are advise to tread with caution.

According to FTC, fraudulent online stores is one of the most reported fraud categories in 2022. Reports online show that more than one thousand persons fall prey to this kind of scam monthly. This is as a result of unchecked advertising on social media, cheap prices, and unsecured payment systems.

If you’ve fallen prey to this kind of scam, kindly contact your bank for a chargeback.

Meanwhile, have you shopped from this online store? Was your experience pleasant or sour? Please let us know in the comment section.

Hausad Reviews 2022: Is This Store Legit Or 100% Scam?

6 thoughts on “Hausad Reviews 2022: Is This Store Legit Or 100% Scam?

  1. I’ve fallen scam to this but on a site called MAYCARA or known as discountstore.
    and another name.
    I order numerous clothing for Xmas but cannot get in touch. I have to wait 15 days for my bank to do anything.

  2. I ordered a modest 50$, worth of stuff from Huasad. Canada post is very annoying & slow now since the fake Pandemic! Fake Pandemic we discovered when in France even people who died from car crashes or the flu were being counted as a C19 Death, to heighten fear in a Psyop. Canada Post sends me in a update, that Its being held up at costums as they inspect the shipment. The same thing happened when I ordered from Piping Rock in NY, that is a very respected company. What should have taken less then a week Canada Post turned it to 5 weeks. I had to re direct the delivery to 2 different carriers twice. It could be that gov is trying to protect local retail? Those retail buggers jack the $ 100X. Yeah but the energy costs, have been jacked up artificially as gov run operation Dark Winter. Before even Wish took 3 to 5 weeks, I would think it would be even worse now.

    1. Paranoid much? Too much FOX News in Canada lady. Get a grip give your head a shake and try some real world information not conspiracy social media dis and misinformation like the Americans have fallen prey to and is ruining their country. We’re smarter than this more reasonable and more discerning. Don’t be a fool simply because of a few legitimate delays and supply chain issues. Vet those with whom you do business and you’ll have less trouble. Due diligence saves a lot of frustration and money-learn how to be internet savvy and not be scammed by those only too happy to liberate money from your wallet and lead you down the road of disinformation based on complex algorithms geared to your already suspicious mistrust of our stable and honourable government. A government that is the envy of the world for her level of integrity trust and STABILITY shared by only a few other Constitutional Monarchies like ours and European Constitutional Democracies. Be grateful and thankful for what we have and learn how to research and vet information responsibly and you will find yourself much happier with life yourself and your country. You will also find much to be proud of and enjoy learning just why our system of government is so stable and infinitely superior to the American system that is crumbling before our eyes. Please consider what I have said here as a passionate plea to a fellow citizen to look at herself honestly and to openly consider broadening her sources and views in 2023. No disrespect is intended here my hope is to encourage intelligent research about our country and sincere reflection. Kindly, SDB.

  3. Ordered 10 items…the tracking said it was delivered to my post office it was not…….Post master said it was a scam

  4. I ordered $30.00 worth of product and received a fake diamond ring.
    This site is a 100% scam and I have the proof.

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