Are you having problem with your Indigestion? Or Do you have bloating, gas or constipation?? Did you come across Emma Relief Supplement sold at Are you wondering if this product is worth your money? This review is an eye opener for you to make the right decision.
Emma Relief Supplement: What Is It?
Emma Relief is a supplement specifically for women to enable them solve daily indigestion problem. With this supplement women daily problem like hormonal imbalance, gas, constipation, etc. are solved.
According to its official page ( Emma Relief dietary supplement is a gut health supplement designed for women, backed by science and developed with world-class ingredients. Emma’s not a probiotic: she’s something entirely different.
This supplement seems nice right? Read to know more about Emma Relief dietary supplement.
Ingredients Includes:
- Licorice root extract
- Star Anise
- Quercetin
- Berberine
- Chicory root inulin
- Resveratrol
- More Food Tolerance
- Less Food Craving
- It Enables Regular, Effective Bowel Movement
- More Gut Lining And Gut Flora
How Long Does It Take Before Results Starts To Show?
Some women start to see certain immediate results like fewer food sensitivities, less cravings, better elimination and a lift in your mood within the first 2-3 days.
Other changes like weight loss for example, happens mostly as a byproduct of improving your metabolism.
Remember almost all of the ingredients in Emma are there to get your digestion and energy metabolism working again, and everything is connected.
Does Emma Relief Also Support Weight Loss?
he main function of Emma is to naturally bring balance to the gut environment, increasing beneficial friendly flora while suppressing dangerous pathogenic bacteria, and ultimately repair the delicate lining of the digestive tract.
That being said, there are two different factors to support weight loss. The fat burning effects can be mild to dramatic, depending on the degree of imbalance you might have in the first place.
The first weight loss factor is through the up-regulation or, you might say acceleration of the metabolism. As you probably already realize, weight gain is related to how well you digest and metabolize food.
Does This Worth Your Money?
Base on our research, Emma Relief has good trust score. Although there are few negative reviews online.
First of all this product looks like a snake oil. After taking 2 doses, I discovered it does not totally ease my constipation. It’s just like a couple of gut supplements that I took in the past.
Meanwhile, have you talked to your doctor about your digestive issues? What’s your diet like? Do you exercise? What about Sleep? You need to understand that so much ties into each other, and supplements don’t really do all that much as compared to the entire balance.
Alternative Ways Of Solving Indigestion Problem Include:
- Eat more whole grains, nuts, load up on veggies, beans and fresh fruits
- Eat more dark chocolate and foods with polyphenols
- Take Probiotics
- Eat fermented foods that have beneficial bacteria
From our findings, Emma Relief supplement may not be a scam but there is possibility of being wrongly debited for a bottle of Emma relief that is allegedly free. Even when I tried to make the company correct the mistake, the feedback wasn’t positive. Aside that, looking at the ingredients it’s massively overpriced for what it is. There are positive customer reviews on its official website although result we can’t vouch for its authenticity. Read our product reviews to find out other products. Buyers are advised to take caution. Have used this product or similar product? Please do well to share your experience with us in the comment section.
I’ve been using Emma for about 3 weeks. I agree it doesn’t totally ease constipation but I have noticed I’m going a little more frequent than I was. I want to try another 30 days to see if I get more relief from constipation but I’m a little hesitant. Wondering how long should you be on Emma before noticing whether it’s for you or not.
Dr Gina Sam is warning in her advertisements. If one stops her product, the organisms can “come back with a vengeance”.
I was considering this product, but no longer. It’s looking more like a scam.
Did you order the product yes or no
You’re supposed to take it for 90 days.
Thank you. I feel the same.
Does Emma work for me ?
Yes, according to Emma relief website, it is made for women but is safe for men to take also
can is be sued by men ?
Anyone can sue, regardless of their sexual orientation. It’s likely a scam anyway. The doctor states how fiber causes constipation issues in the bowel yet puts chicory root inulin in her supplement.
According to the Emma relief website, it can be used by men.
Emma doesn’t work. Stay away from this sacam. Way overpriced for a “magic” potion of common ingredients found in many other products. My credit card company flagged it as a scam. I should have known then! It took forever to receive the 4 bottles. Now I’m waiting for a return shipping label.
Would like to know how long I gotta take Emma before I see results with belly fat & constipation
How did you get a return label? Only 2 days and I am in such bloating cramping pain. I don’t know how to contact this company for a refund…please help and inform.
I am miserable
Hi Gina, my credit card company flagged me also. I stopped and did not order this product. There are other things out there. I hope everything works out for you and you get your money back
Wow!! I ordered from Amazon as a one time only, so I would not be charged extra. I think I will stop using after hearing these reviews.
Thank you all
Thank you Gina for your honest feedback.
I was about to order then I read your review
So I cancel everything.
And your right it’s ridiculously EXPENSIVE!!!!
And I will report her BBB
Wish I had read all these comments first, sure I’m one of the gullible bought 3 bottles, what a waste of money. I couldn’t even be bothered to try and get a refund, they took forever to be delivered to me in Australia.
This product does not work. I spent over $200 so how can I get my money back?
Just more than one week using Emma, it has been strong for my stomach, it cause me burning and constipation until now.
I will continue trying for one month to see if I have any improvement with my digestive problems. I don’t think that is working, the constipation it’s worst, maybe an expensive lie.
I had a hysterectomy about 3 years ago and I been having problems with constipation and I hate it can this product help me.
Nothing can help you .you killed your mom you stole and lied from your sister. Your own child ran away from you to live with scum because you chose the bottom feeder over your child.
There us no help for you ever.
You are destined for hell with no forgiveness.
You can lie to some but we know what you did.
And in lifetime you will never know contiment, or keep anything you hold dear.
Your greed will be repaid ten times fold.
You will fail every thing you try to achieve long term.
If I were you I would find away to start fixing some of the wrongs you have done.
Nothing is unknown Kimberly khai wakeland .
We know about the 25,000 you took claiming you paid when Mr. Jordan had.
You have a limited time to start repairing your wrongs before judgement is passed.
There are many judge and juries in this world be careful on the choices you make fatally wronging others as they may break under your cruelty There are many others who will not allow the injustice to stand.
This dont sound like a review . It sounds more like a personal problem no one cares to here about .
Your a piece of shit to stock somebody on their review of a product because you’re having problems with them in their personal life. You have fucking problems like I don’t care what this person dead like. Obviously they hurt you and obviously you’re upset if you are going to take the time to Stockton on the Internet to find a review that they did and spew that much hate like I think you need help. You’re the one that won’t find mercy with that much hate in your heart no matter what this person did when you hold that much hate and anger it turns on you , and you make yourself look pathetic and a low life that has nothing better to do than stock this person on a review on the Internet and say these things like get a fucking life the best revenge is happiness. Is this person upset you so much or did something to you keep your business in your own life don’t involve everybody else reading these reviews have to read your business. No one gives a shit we don’t want to hear your bullshit while trying to read reviews of this and wants to hear that shit while you’re trying to give her the death sentence for some bullshit like that you’re the one that looks like an asshole lowlife with too much time on their hands, you better be careful before God takes his vengeance on you for acting like an idiot
Nobody wants to hear this shit keep your personal life off of these comments and you look like a POS on here and bringing your personal life onto some review for a product. Nobody wants to read your crap here are you really have no life and nothing better to do than to stock this person all over the Internet and stock them on our peer review of some product like are you that much of a loser that you have nothing better to do. Like I don’t care what this person did to you it makes you look pathetic and nobody wants to read that by. We’re trying to read a review of a product for looking for… and I’m sorry you’re treating this person like they deserve the death penalty for some BS most likely. Like you need forgiveness in your heart because it’s clearly turning you black and making your soul dark. Clearly you need a life and focus your time somewhere else if you are that bored and have nothing better to do that you’re stocking this person not only on the Internet, but finding them on a review of a product like you are a loser and I’m sorry but the hate you’re spewing that much anger it’s making your soul dark and you need to work on that you need to talk to somebody you need to see somebody because it’s affecting your life. This person probably could give a shit about you or what they’ve done or how it makes you feel clearly and it’s turning your life into a mess upside down turning you into a stocker loser POS with nothing better to do and it’s consuming you clearly and you’re pathetic and you need to get a life and do something about that because nobody wants to read your BS on here Keep that crap to yourself and I really suggest you talk to someone and work all that anger and aggression and stuff out because it’s clearly consuming you like I just am in shock that you stocked this person owner of you like I’m in like complete all of your audacity and patheticness you should get a medal for wooden POS you are like I don’t even care with this person did. And I have someone asked to read my review of you when they wanted to come and read a review of this POS a product that probably doesn’t work and it’s probably a scam that they shouldn’t buy anyway when all they wanted to do was read about that stupid product and now they have to read about me talking about what a loser you are, because you couldn’t get your life together to keep your business off of here because you hate this person so much that it’s consuming you. And forgiveness is mostly for you not for the other person so you don’t start doing stuff like this, so you can live a better life and the best revenge is happiness. I’m not giving a crap trust me, but please get some help for the sake of all of us for the sake of all reviews everywhere.
Your full of crap!
Stop casty stones.
Pull that timber from your own eye and stop trying to remove the speck out of other people’s eye.
Only God is Judge and jury.
Those who judge will have the harshest judgment.
Watch your mouth!
May God show you more mercy than you have shown others.
Jesus forgives and He is the one you need to repent to.
What a doomsayer! Get a real problem to preach doom and gloom to. Life is too short, we can only pray you are removed from existence, forever shutting you up!
If your gonna troll …
At the very least use good grammar.
How often do you take this? I’m petit. Not interested in loosing weight
IBS c. What if I miss a meal. Do you start with this dose abs change it? How many can you take? Do you have to use w food?
Thank you. I just got my first bottle took 2 w soup. Do I continue w Metamucil
No to the metamucil! It’s poison & makes your issues worse. Watch the video that goes with emma
I wouldn’t say it’s poison. It is simply a fiber supplement but like any other OTC products, it is only recommended for occasional use.
I just Emma when do you recommend. I should take this
I am wondering the same thing, i have been on it for 3 weeks now and i thought it was working the first week. Now i am not sure, because i am still very constipated…
Plain ol’ magnesium can be great for constipation (and many other things too-worth googling about). Citrate, or glycinate, or chelate are my favorite types; it’s inexpensive and easy to find.
I started April 4th 2023 using Emma and I promise it works. At first I started with 1 capsule, a day. Now I’m having a bowls movement everyday and I’m so happy. I also don’t have all the bloating and discomfort on my belly. I will continue to use Emma thank you
I started April 4th 2023 using Emma and I promise it works. At first I started with 1 capsule, a day. Now I’m having a bowel movement everyday and I’m so happy. I also don’t have all the bloating and discomfort. I will continue to use Emma thank you
How do I contact this company to return and get a refund? Only 2 days and I am miserable with cramping, bloating and constipation. My whole body hurts
Please help … I was healthy before I took these pills
I can’t seem to order Emma and I really feel It would help me!
Thank you Gina for your honest feedback.
I was about to order then I read your review
So I cancel everything.
And your right it’s ridiculously EXPENSIVE!!!!
And I will report her BBB
This product did not work for me at all. In fact it made me even more constipated. I’m disappointed and it was expensive.
I have noticed my urine is more yellow is this normal taking Emma .??
You are dehydrated. Drink more water when taking Emma
I have noticed the same. I think that is normal.
I’m just about done with my first bottle. I am thrilled with the results and ordered my second bottle. I’m not concerned with the cost, to feel good is worth the price! By the second week into the third I was completely cleaned out. By the look of it, I believe I’ve been storing old poo for a long time! It didn’t hurt and not much cramping at all. I now go one to two times a day and feel completely empty after, like I want to start skipping I feel so light.
My roseacea went away on my cheeks and my skin feels so soft and young. I’m 51 (female)and have IBS – constipation and always felt like I need to go but couldn’t. Bloated all the time and distended after every meal. Gassy and uncomfortable. All that is gone. All the inflammation I’ve been living with for years is gone.
I did poo my pants while sleeping once, while I was half way through the first bottle. My husband and I had a good laugh about that. Now I’m totally normal and feel like when I was in my 20’s in regards to regularity.
I feel amazing! Read the ingredients you will be surprised at how much is in there that will support and recreate a better gut microbiome. Using the second bottle will help repair all the damage to my cells from the parasite bacteria that has been living in me for years and then I plan to finish this journey.
I highly recommend this product. I think it’s the best on the market and I’ve tried many digestive enzyme products.
Hi. I just want to know if you are truly a customer that got good results and not a phony publicity opinion by the company itself. Thanks and God bless you
How often do I take it and how much?
This page clearly shows that the writer did not watch the video that the doctor who created this product made for consumers to watch & listen to first. Very informative & important
This article was clearly written by ChatGPT
My name is Spencer Brooks Jr. I ordered THE EMMA PRODUCT last Saturday night online, and I paid 63 or68 dollars for the product and paid for it on my CASH APP CARD. I JUST LEARNED TODAY ITS FOR WOMEN. Please kindly send me a refund of my purchase price of 68 dollars to my CASH APP CARD cash tag $SpencerBrooksJr THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.
The product did not work for me. I don’t recommend them at all.
I struggle with really bad IBS. I have been taking Linzess for over a year. One month of Linzess cost $317.00 with my insurance. After a year it wasn’t working as well as when I first started taking it.
I saw this Emma Relief on Facebook, of all places. I could relate to all the symptom it claimed to cure. After two days, I have been praising God for relief from the pain of ibs. I still take the Linzess every morning. I wait to take Emma Relief at least 1/2 hour after Linzess. I swear to you it’s working. I normally can’t leave the house for three hours after waking up. That time has been cut in half. The best part is I haven’t had any pain. I don’t know how long the Emma Relief will last. I’d have to say my biggest problem is I need to drink more water taking it.
I’m on day two and no difference still constipated.
I just started EMMA 2 weeks ago. I have struggled with very severe constipation for years. It has gotten so bad at times that I have been forced to taken drastic measures to help get it OUT!! Believe me, I have tried just about everything imaginable to get relief!! I mean EVERYTHING!’ Recently my protocol has been taking 8-10 stools softeners daily, MYRALAX on top that, in addition to Magnesium supplements every day.
Even after all of that I still haven’t been regular! That’s A LOT!
After watching the video about EMMA I thought, damn!! I need to at least try the stuff. Normally I would only order one bottle of a product but I thought this that with my condition as sever as it is, I knew it was something I needed to make a longer commitment to and see if I would get some type of relief, so I ordered the 3 pack.
I have to say with much optimism I am am seeing results. It wasn’t instant but after a few days I started going a bit more frequently so I decided to cut out the stool softeners but have continued MYRALAX , cutting back to every other day until I am confident the product will be able to stand alone.
Amazingly, I have actually gone poop every day for the last 4 days. I even feel that my movement is more complete. I feel so optimistic, I plan on continuing using EMMA as long as necessary!
I can honestly say that if I am seeing the kind of results I am experiencing, this product is a TRUE miracle for me!! I will give an update after an entire month !
Just more than one week using Emma, it has been strong for my stomach, it cause me burning and constipation until now.
I will continue trying for one month to see if I have any improvement with my digestive problems.
I bought two 6 months supply directly from the site. I was over charged, and only got half way through one bottle. Things were so much worse. I was bloated so much I looked pregnant and things smelled worse. Their 100% money back guarantee if not fully satisfied is a joke. I am still arguing with them. I DON’T recommend this product to anyone.
After using Emma for 90 days, I saw a consistency for morning bm’s, and I guess it also helped me lose weight which I wasn’t expecting. I’m 58, so I probably had a lot of repair work needed in my gut. Emma doesn’t work like magic, and you still need to eat well. I don’t think I will be able to keep buying the product because of the price, but I’m thankful for the progress it gave me and for how great it is to have 1-3 bm’s a day because my gut has been repaired! I just need to keep eating well to keep it that way.
I ordered this months ago—-my card was charged but but I never received the product.I would like my credit card fixed and a phone call to cancel the order.Mary