Elleseek.com Reviews: Legit Clothing Store Or 100% Scam?

Were you attracted by the stylish female dresses on Elleseek.com? Are you considering placing order? Wondering if the store is genuine? Read this review to know everything about the Elleseek online store.


Elleseek.com: Is This Website Legit?

Elleseek other wise known as Elleseek.com is an online store that sells female cloths like Print tops, Jumpsuits. We research and found out some drawbacks about the store. Below are the red flags attached to the store-

7 Reasons Why Elleseek Website Is Classified Suspicious:

Customers Complaints:

Customers gave the store 1 star rating expressing their unpleasant experience with the store. Some customers left negative reviews online.

Poor Customer Support:

The store failed to provide phone number on the Contact Us page of the website. Meanwhile mails sent to the email address “[email protected]” are not delivered. How can customers contact the store after placing order? This is suspicious!

Fake Business Address:

The physical business address provided on the website as “1-809, Building 3, Greenland Business City, Yunlong District, Xuzhou City (Plot B6-1)” Is a virtual address that has been used by another online store. How then can customers locate the store in case of refund/return of goods?

Lacks Quality:

If you are observant enough, You will notice that all the faces of the models used on the official website was cropped out. This simply means that the store are not the original owners of the cloths. After placing orders, customer will receive an entirely different item or low quality item. Beware!

Lacks Security:

There is no trust seal from Norton, McAfee etc. As a result of this, Customers financial and personal details are not secured and are vulnerable to online hackers. Beware!

No Social Media Presence:

In this contemporary social media era, Elleseek online store do not have an official social media page as non was provided on the website. We searched and could not find any official social media page belonging to the store. Could it be that the people behind this store are hiding their identity?

Website Age:

According to who.is ( a domain checker), The website was registered on 24 March 2022 which means that the website is less than 6 Months. Newly registered websites can’t be vouched for as there is no previous history.


From our findings, Ellessek.com, just like Shinesapparel, Bizbuy, Dannshoes, are not trustworthy online stores. As a result of this, we cannot vouch for its authenticity. Hence, customers are advise to tread with caution.

According to FTC, fraudulent online stores is one of the most reported fraud categories in 2022. Reports online show that more than one thousand persons fall prey to this kind of scam monthly. This is as a result of unchecked advertising on social media, cheap prices, and unsecured payment systems.

If you’ve fallen prey to this kind of scam, kindly contact your bank for a chargeback.

Meanwhile, have you shopped from this online store? Was your experience pleasant or sour? Please let us know in the comment section.

Elleseek.com Reviews: Legit Clothing Store Or 100% Scam?

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