This website is located at is one of the trending scam USDT or cryptocurrency trading platform. Online users are advised not to visit the website let alone create account. How The Website works
The Moshen scam website that is located at is a fake cryptocurrency websites that is used by online scammers to trick online users by tricking online users to create an account and invest. Unfortunately, After investment have been made on Moshen website, Users are unable to withdraw their money. The cyber criminals promises high return on investment but it’s only a fantasy to lure their victims into investing their money. Beware! Do not be deceived.
If the return on investment looks too good to be true, it is definitely not true. Remember the popular saying that if looks too good then it is not true.
The website was registered on 11 August 2022 and as a result has not passed the test of time. Newly registered websites can’t be vouched for as there is no previous history. Also, Newly created websites are used mostly by online scammers in their fraudulent practice.
Investors who have fall pry this scam investment platform left reviews online. Below is a reviews by a victim- is a SCAM platform!!! Please don’t send them money.
By A Victim
They approach you in this way: there is a Chinese girl that writes you in different social network (f.i. Tinder ecc), then asks to move on what’s app and she disappears from other socials (in order you can’t state her as scam). She starts to talk about general things, but always cites her good investments. Then she asks you to open binance and move your money to a secondary platform,! There your money will be freeze and lost! I report it’s number +61 422 413 246. Ask her to speak English or use social media/email, so move further what’s app in order to get some information and maybe one day she will go behind a gate.
From our research, It is is obvious that is not a genuine investment website just like Ezifund, Top target, usdtqmark, usdtkcoin, ustdlonim, Polarisbitlimited, Uschltd, Cryptomip. Online users are advised not to visit or invest on the website. Have you invested on this or similar website? Do well to share your experience with us in the comment section.
I also invested in it, but I also got the profit I deserved and it doesn’t seem to be a scam.
Hi Alexander,
Can you tell us more about the withdraw?
Did you had to pay a tax?
How are they calling these tax?
Can you describe how you find this page and how quick the payout was?
They asked me to pay the taxes before receiving my income.
the site is blocked and the person in charge of support only talks to me about paying tax even if I ask several questions.
Mozna prosic o kontakt ?
They write from this number also.
+64 22 681 7301